Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our Trip Part 1- With Tips

I have so much to say I am going to write this in parts.

We were to leave for our trip on the Monday, the Saturday afternoon before, Boo went and stayed with my sister for a few hours so I could pack and get a few things organised for our trip. When she bought him home she commented that he had really bad reflux. I thought it was due to having weened him off his reflux meds over the last week. He had been fine till then. We ready to put him to bed, he was playing with my sister being his usually cheeky self when out of the blue he threw up, every where. He didn't have anything different to eat I couldn't work out what it was from. I gave him his reflux meds again just in case it was due to that. Then about half an hour later he threw up again. I got him to bed and kept on an eye on him through the night, he slept through. I had taken him to the GP on the Thursday to have him checked out before our trip and all was well.

When he woke he seemed fine, he had a full bottle and he had a little bit of breakfast but after that he was refusing everything but still quite energetic. He had a couple of dry nappies which I really didn't like. He didn't throw up until just before bed time again. I thought it was best to get him checked over I couldn't leave the country the next day without knowing what was wrong with him and getting on top of it. I searched around for a medical centre that was open late on a Sunday evening, nothing. So I took him straight to the childrens hospital. Luckily we didn't have to wait too long there. I was still trying to get fluids into him the entire time but with no luck. Anyway to cut a really long story short....the Dr thought that he had a virus his throat was quite inflamed and his ear was a bit pink....but she couldn't rule out that it may be gastro. I told her that his poos were fine but apparently that could change. She told me that we needed to get some fluids into him or else they would put have to put a cannula in and he would have to stay in hospital till he was hydrated. She gave him some medication to numb his throat. The whole time I was worrying about Boo and wondering what we would do about our trip. I tried calling the travel insurance company but they weren't open till 8am the next morning, I thought I may just postpone the trip till he was better. The Dr gave him some hydralite ice pops he had a few licks but wasn't interested. Then she gave him a cup of orange hydralite to drink, he drank half a glass. The Dr was happy with that as long as he continued. When I asked her what I should do about our trip she basically said if he didn't have any bum explosions before we left at 2pm then it was most likely a virus and all I could do was give him pain killers and keep his fluids up. But if he did have any diarrhea then it was gastro and best to keep him home. 

Thankfully there was no bum explosions and with the help of the throat numbing med and pain killers I did manage to get some fluids into him he even ate a whole sushi roll at the airport before we got on the plane, the poor boy was so hungry when he did get some throat relief he gobbled everything down. So we were to get on our scheduled flight. After a very anxious 24 hours we were off to Phuket!

We arrived at the airport early, I checked my luggage in and was told that I had to also check in the stroller even after I called the airline to check and was told I didn't have to. But thankfully they gave me one of theirs that I could leave at the gate. I had only booked a seat for me, Boo was to sit on my lap for the trip. This I was dreading but I was told if you get to the airport early and request a spare seat beside you they will happily oblige if there are any available. They did, in fact he got 3 seats! So we had plenty of room to move. Boo was pretty good on the flight, yes he wined that he wanted to get down and run about but I held him tight and distracted him enough to forget about it. Armed with my little bag of toys and stickers and bits and bobs that were all new to him. I made sure to keep offering him fluids, most of the time he rejected it. So the drinking whilst taking off trick to avoid ear pressure pain went out the window however he didn't seem to have a problem with his ears, so that was good. There was another toddler sitting across the aisle who came over to play occasionally, perfect. Boo had a couple of hours sleep on the 8 hour flight. An hour before we landed he threw up his sushi roll all over the carpet. Argh I thought he was over that bit but apparently not. We arrived in Phuket quite late in the evening. There is 4 hours difference with Sydney time. After collecting our luggage I saw our name being held up on a sign . It was stifling hot with what felt like a billion people looking for taxis and transport all gathered at the exit. I had requested a carseat for our transfer to the hotel from home, but when we got to the car there was no carseat and when I asked about it the driver just said sorry no baby seat. I told them that I had requested one but basically there was none available, end of story. I had to hold Boo in the car, which I really didn't feel comfortable about. Especially when I am used to all the safety requirement back home.  I had done so much research at home in regards to restraints. I had contacted a carseat hire place in Phuket long before we left and they never responded to me, so I thought I would just contact them when I was there and hire one for our stay. I had the trip from the airport covered, so it would all work out ok, so I thought.

Tips for Traveling with a Infant or Toddler.
1- Confirm and confirm again if you have to check in your stroller with your airline and if you do have to ask if they have a stroller to lend you till you get to the gate, otherwise you are lugging carry on and bubs around for a few hours before you board.

2- Get to the airport early and request a spare seat beside you, even if you have a seat for your toddler you can never have enough room. Great for them to lie across and have a comfortable sleep.

3- Confirm and confirm again for a car seat on your hotel transfer. But be prepared to suck it up if there isn't one available and your the country of destination doesn't have any regulations in place.

4.- Make sure you have a bag of toys for the trip, new ones they haven't seen or old ones they haven't played with for a while. Stickers are good, you may have them stuck every where but easy enough to clean up.


Bea said...

Good tips. Very annoying about the car seat. Everything else seemed to work out ok - thank goodness with the vomiting!


Lut C. said...

I wouldn't have been happy about the missing car seat either.